
Three-dimensional bond-order instability in infinite-layer nickelates due to nonlocal quantum interference

S. Onari and H. Kontani, Phys. Rev. B 108, L241119 (2023).
Published 20 December 2023

Recently discovered superconducting infinite-layer nickelates RNiO2 (R=Nd, La, Pr) attracts increasing attention as a similar system to cuprates. Both RNiO2 and YBCO cuprates display the three-dimensional (3D) CDW with wave vector q∼(2π/3,0,qz), while qz is nonzero and incommensurate in the former system. Here, we reveal that the characteristic CDW in RNiO2 can be explained as the quantum interference between paramagnons, by focusing on the following characteristics of RNiO2: (i) prominent three dimensionality in the Fermi surface and (ii) large self-hole doping (∼14%). This mechanism predicts the emergence of the dx2-y2-wave bond order at a secondary 3D nesting vector qc∼(2π/3,0,qcz)(qcz=0.2π∼2π/3). The obtained strong bond fluctuations lead to the non-Fermi liquid electronic states and superconducting states in nickelates.

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