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Drastic magnetic-field-induced chiral current order and emergent current-bond-field interplay in kagome metals

R. Tazai, Y. Yamakawa, and H. Kontani, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 121, e2303476121 (2024).
Published: 1th January 2024

In kagome metals, the chiral current order parameter η with time-reversal-symmetry-breaking is the source of various exotic electronic states, while the method of controlling the current order and its interplay with the star-of-David bond order φ are still unsolved. Here, we reveal that tiny uniform orbital magnetization Morb[η,φ] is induced by the chiral current order, and its magnitude is prominently enlarged under the presence of the bond order. Importantly, we derive the magnetic-field (hz)-induced Ginzburg–Landau (GL) free energy expression ΔF[hz,η,φ]∝−hzMorb[η,φ], which enables us to elucidate the field-induced current-bond phase transitions in kagome metals. The emergent current-bond-hz trilinear coupling term in the free energy, −m1hzη·φ, naturally explains the characteristic magnetic-field sensitive electronic states in kagome metals, such as the field-induced current order and the strong interplay between the bond and current orders. The GL coefficients of ΔF[hz,η,φ] derived from the realistic multiorbital model are appropriate to explain various experiments. Furthermore, we discuss the field-induced loop current orders in the square lattice models that have been studied in cuprate superconductors.

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