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Emergence of strongly correlated electronic states driven by the Andreev bound state in d-wave superconductors

S. Matsubara and H. Kontani, Phys. Rev. B 101, 075114 (2020).

As the surface Andreev bound state (ABS) forms at the open (1,1) edge of a dx2−y2-wave superconductor, the local density of states increases. Therefore, a strong electron correlation and drastic phenomena may occur. However, a theoretical study on the effects of the ABS on the electron correlation has not been performed yet. To understand these effects, we study the large-cluster Hubbard model with an open (1,1) edge in the presence of a bulk d-wave gap. We calculate the site-dependent spin susceptibility by performing the random-phase approximation and modified fluctuation-exchange approximation in real space. We find that near the (1,1) edge, drastic ferromagnetic (FM) fluctuations occur owing to the ABS. In addition, as the temperature decreases, the system rapidly approaches a magnetic-order phase slightly below the transition temperature of the bulk d-wave superconductivity (SC). In this case, the FM fluctuations are expected to induce interesting phenomena such as edge-induced triplet SC and quantum critical phenomena.

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