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Theoretical prediction of nematic orbital-ordered state in the Ti oxypnictide superconductor BaTi2(As,Sb)2O

Hironori Nakaoka, Youichi Yamakawa, and Hiroshi Kontani, Phys. Rev. B 93, 245122 (2016).

 The electronic nematic state without magnetization emerges in various strongly correlated metals such as Fe-based and cuprate superconductors. To understand this universal phenomenon, we focus on the nematic state in Ti oxypnictide BaTi2(As,Sb)2O, which is expressed as the three-dimensional ten-orbital Hubbard model. The antiferromagnetic fluctuations are caused by the Fermi surface nesting. Interestingly, we find the spin-fluctuation-driven orbital order due to the strong orbital-spin interference, which is described by the Aslamazov-Larkin vertex correction (AL-VC). The predicted intra-unit-cell nematic orbital order is consistent with the recent experimental reports on BaTi2(As,Sb)2O. Thus, the spin-fluctuation-driven orbital order due to the AL-VC mechanism is expected to be universal in various two- and three-dimensional multiorbital metals.

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