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Spin-Fluctuation-Driven Nematic Charge-Density Wave in Cuprate Superconductors: Impact of Aslamazov-Larkin Vertex Corrections

Youichi Yamakawa and Hiroshi Kontani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 257001 (2015).

We present a microscopic derivation of the nematic charge-density wave (CDW) formation in cuprate superconductors based on the three-orbital d−p Hubbard model by introducing the vertex correction (VC) into the charge susceptibility. The CDW instability at q=(ΔFS,0), (0,ΔFS) appears when the spin fluctuations are strong, due to the strong charge-spin interference represented by the VC. Here, ΔFS is the wave number between the neighboring hot spots. The obtained spin-fluctuation-driven CDW is expressed as the “intra-unit-cell orbital order” accompanied by the charge transfer between the neighboring atomic orbitals, which is actually observed by the scanning tunneling microscope measurements. We predict that the cuprate CDW and the nematic orbital order in Fe-based superconductors are closely related spin-fluctuation-driven phenomena.